Whippersnapper Time
During Adult Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 10 AM, children (ages 2-11) take part in Whippersnapper Time, where they learn important life lessons through engaging Bible stories and teaching.

Jesus and Me Jammin’ Time
During the pastor’s sermon at Sunday service, children (through 6th grade) are dismissed to Jesus and Me Jammin’ Time where they gather for age-appropriate Bible lessons, songs, crafts and other activities.

Awana is a nationwide program which teaches children (from 2 years old through 12th grade) to know God, love and serve Him. Invite all your friends and we will see you each Wednesday during the school year from 6:30-8:00 PM.

Vacation Bible School
Every summer, Crown of Life holds a summer day camp at the city park, where children from the community come together to enjoy a week immersed in Bible study, games, crafts and other activities.

Confirmation is a 30-week curriculum designed to teach young adults (typically 11-12 years old) a rich foundation in Christian knowledge in order to create a solid, life-long basis for growing their faith. The class is typically taught by the Pastor for 1 ½ hours each week during the school year. Confirmation ends with a special worship, normally the third Sunday in May, in which the Confirmands will publicly confess their faith and participate in Holy Communion for the first time. The curriculum generally consists of teaching the 10 Commandments, The Apostle’s Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confession and Forgiveness, and the responsibilities of a Christian Life.

Christian Release Time
Christian Release Time is an opportunity for high school students to take a 1-hour Bible class during each school day at Crown of Life (COL) Church, located just one block from the high school. Currently, high school students can sign up to leave the high school during the 3rd period to report to COL for class and must be back to school for their next class after lunch. The curriculum was developed by Awana for high school kids and is a non-denominational program. The students also have an opportunity to earn a college credit for attending this Bible class. Please read more about this incredible opportunity for high school students in Jefferson County.