Children’s Ministry
Crown of Life offers age-appropriate Christian learning during Sunday’s Bible study and worship service, as well as AWANA on Wednesday nights. Read more about our children’s programs.

Outreach Ministry
Community outreach and service is a vital part of our ministry at Crown of Life. Read more about our outreach events and service projects, and find out how you can get involved.

Fellowship Ministry
We nurture fellowship among our congregation (as well as visitors) through our weekly Bible Study (Sunday 10 AM) and monthly potlucks. See our calendar for upcoming fellowship events.

Christian Release Time
This is an opportunity for high school students to take a 1-hour Bible Class during each school day at Crown of Life, just one block away from Rigby High School. Read more about Christian Release Time.

Music Ministry
Music is an important part of our Sunday worship. This part of our ministry is led by our Praise Team of very gifted musicians and singers. Our music brings a sacred mix of traditional and contemporary Christian numbers to the worship experience. It is the goal of our Praise Team to provide uplifting and inspiring music that will follow the worshippers home and stay with them during the week to serve as an encouragement in their faith walk.

Service Opportunities
Crown of Life always has a number of volunteer opportunities available inside the church and outside in the community. Please contact us to learn more about how you can serve.