“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” John 8:31-32
“Hold to my teaching” … here Jesus is speaking to those whose belief in Him was superficial. He is explaining that discipleship means accepting His teaching and remaining faithful to it.
“Truth will set you free” is a statement that says only in Jesus and His teaching will anyone be free from sin, death, and Satan’s rule. Only then is one free to serve God with a pure heart. In contrast, Judaism taught that the study of God’s Law made a person free.
Note also that one who “holds to Jesus teaching” knows the truth … Jesus does not say you shall know the Word, but that you shall know the truth. When non-believers search the Bible, they may never find Him who is the truth. Those who believe in Christ have to abide in the Word, the Bible, to experience the truth. Such abiding leads to an experience of truth that sets us free.
This is another teaching of Jesus to address the fact that people are self-centered from birth and in bondage to sin, unable to please God. Through Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, He provides liberation from sin, death, and the devil to all who believe and are baptized into His name, and that my dear friends is freedom!
God’s blessings on your day…