“…that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
“God … to Himself in Christ” indicates the divinity and humanity of Jesus, though united, remain distinct. The divine essence is not changed into the human nature. But the two natures, unchanged, are personally united.
“Message of reconciliation” … through Christ’s death, God’s eternal justice was appeased and the whole world was reconciled to Him. Faith receives Christ’s work personally. Unbelief, though, rejects it.
“Committed to us” indicates the apostolic ministry to deliver God’s gracious benefits of forgiveness, life, and salvation through Word and Sacrament has been given to us.
“Ambassadors” are more than messengers. They are representatives of the sovereign who sent them. In the Roman Empire, there were two kinds of provinces, the senatorial and the imperial. The senatorial provinces were generally peaceful and friendly to Rome. They had submitted to Roman rule and were under the control of the Senate. The imperial provinces, however, had been acquired later, and were not as peaceful. These provinces were under the authority of the emperor himself. Syria, including Judea, was such an imperial province. To these provinces, the emperor sent ambassadors to govern and maintain peace. Christians have been called by their King to serve as ambassadors in a world that is in rebellion against Him. However, God has given His representatives a message of peace and reconciliation. In this way, believers are God’s ambassadors, whose mission is to implore people to be reconciled to God, to listen to the forgiving voice of their Creator.
The term “be reconciled” is simply a call to repentance.
Christ’s love compelled Paul to persevere through all hardships to make God’s offer of forgiveness and reconciliation plain to the people at Corinth. Too often we mute the Gospel’s power because of our pride, our carelessness, or our lack of concern for others. No greater honor can be given us than to be His ambassadors, His spokespeople. He not only saves us but also works through us.
God’s blessings on your day…